Sunday, February 12, 2012


A few hours ago, I was soaking in the rain-drenched glory of the ancient colosseum in Rome. One week before that, I was struggling to stay afloat in a flood of final exams while juggling my new internship with the 'Centro de Estudis Olimpicos.' A few short weeks before that,  I was drowning in a melted puddle of Swiss chocolate in Zurich. Needless to say, the last few weeks have been pretty busy with traveling, exams, and the hectic lifestyle of  Barcelona that I have adapted to.
Now that I finally have some time to sit still and sort through the storm of Italian food, record-breaking weather, and enjoy the Catalan warmth of Barcelona, I will finally be able to update this blog and more importantly, get some much needed sleep.

Palabra del dia: Tormenta - Storm
Por fin, la tormenta ha colocada. Finally, the storm has settled.